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After 75 years as an organization, we've certainly experienced our share highs and lows; very much like many of us are so aware of in our country as of late. And much like with this great nation of ours, there is reason for us to keep our hopes high and stay focused on preserving and expanding this most special pastime for our future. We have some challenges to address in order to prosper again, but like all those who have come before us - we WILL find our way.

There are some distinct starting points that we have addressed and accepted and we are working on now. Just a few of these things you should be expecting in the near future include:

1) A real effort to 'flush out' some boats that might be available for new members. Our goal is to have 6 to 8 boats 'available' for sale on the website in the next month at various price points, in order to meet any commitment level we might expect from a new member. We know were a number of boats are located and we are in the process of assembling this inventory. I've recently re-formatted the used boat list and added one new boat for sale.

2) Believe it or not, we get frequent requests for HOD plans, and to honor this request as well as commemorate our 75th Anniversary, we are having the original plans re-drawn and updated to reflect the current, modern wooden Hampton. It is expected that we will offer this both in digital and print format. Lastly, upon completion of this work, to help offset the cost of this service, we will be offering a limited edition commemorative version print for sale.

3) A few of us plan on entering our Hamptons in the Hampton Roads Long Distance Sunfish & Dinghy Challenge on September 25. If we can get 5 boats, we will get our own start and if not we will race in the Portsmouth Class. Those of us who've been around long enough remember the Port to Port races, might be interested in participating with us. I believe it would be a great way to enjoy the fall and to provide exposure in the sailing community we need to be constantly pursuing...



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